Below is a list of all the conferences I have attended, along with papers and abstracts that I have first authored and co-authored. Full descriptions of my work can be found in the research portfolio tab. Feel free to click on the abstract titles to link you to the conference websites.

Presenting preliminary results from my dissertation work at my first AASP (American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists) meeting in Ghent, Belgium in July 2019.

Attending my second LPSC conference! Here, I presented the work I did in Sri Lanka over the summer of 2018.

Proudly presenting work on my undergraduate thesis at the GSA Annual Meeting in 2017 in Seattle, WA with my undergraduate thesis advisor, Dr. Dutrow (right) and Dr. Henry (left).

All smiles after successfully giving my first oral presentation at GSA-SC in 2017 in San Antonio, Texas.

Holding the first place award at the LSU Rock Star Poster Competition in 2017!

Attending my first conference at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) in 2016 where I co-authored and co-presented a graduate poster.
[Abstract Publication, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists 2019]
Evaluating the Shelf-Margin Eocene Coaledo Formation, Oregon: an Integrated Palynology, Geochemistry and Organofacies Study
[Abstract Publication, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019]
Variations in Serpentine along the HC-VC Suture Zone of Sri Lanka: An Analogue for Studying Martian Serpentinites
[Paper Publication, Sedimentology]
[Abstract Publication, Poster Session, GSA 2017]
[Abstract Publication, Oral Presentation, GSA-SC 2017]
[Abstract Publication, Poster Session, GSA-SC 2017]
[Abstract Publication, Poster Session, AAPG 2017]
[Poster Session, LSU Poster Competition 2017]
[Abstract Publication, Poster session, AGU 2017]
[Poster session, LSU Poster Competition 2016]
Complimentary Insight From Remotely Sensed and In-Situ Chemical Compositions on Mars
[Abstract Publication, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2016]