Evaluating the Shelf-Margin Eocene Coaledo Formation, Oregon: an Integrated Palynology, Geochemistry
The Coaledo Research Project is a multidisciplinary geological research effort that includes a team of 18 geoscientists from various...

Cathodoluminescence and Trace Element Chemistry of Sillimanite: Evidence for Multiple Metamorphic Re
Sillimanite, typically assumed to be essentially a chemically ‘pure phase’ in high-grade metapelitic rocks, displays textures and...

Using Grainsize Analysis to Refine Internal Characteristics of the False River Point Bar; Lower Miss
Understanding the stratigraphic progression of the False River Point Bar provides key information needed to interpret the internal...

Complementary Insight from Remotely Sensed and In Situ Chemical Compositions on Mars
NASA has conducted six robotic missions to Mars: Viking, Pathfinder, Opportunity, Spirit, Phoenix and Curiosity. When comparing robotic...